Rough Day
Yesterday was kind of scary for me. I was riding in the car with my family and all the sudden I felt a rush and I was super worried my OCD was back with a vengeance.
I freaked out big time. Not an anxiety freak out but a mental freak out. The typical going through scenarios in my head. I’m not even really sure what triggered me other than me just thinking about my OCD.
If you can, try not to think about your OCD. That’s where it traps you, you don’t want to have these intrusive thoughts but you end up thinking about your OCD being there and guess what? BAM! Intrusive thought!
I want to tell you to be OK with the thoughts. I know it is hard but don’t beat yourself up over them. If you have OCD, just know that your brain is a bit different than everyone else’s and that is OK.
Being different isn’t a bad thing. It just makes you have to work a little bit harder than everyone else and I am here to tell you, OCD is highly treatable. That freak out I had yesterday? It lasted about 30 minutes and it was over. That’s it, 30 minutes and I used my ERP tools to stop it. A year ago I would have been out for days on a cycle like yesterday’s. Therapy has been a total game changer.
You can do this. Schedule your first ERP visit and do the work. OCD is a bully and I think it’s about time you fight back!