I know everyone says to not be selfish, but in certain cases, it may be unavoidable. With mental illness and treatment, you might have to. Seriously, when you are in a funk, tell people you need them, tell them you need to be selfish, and have them focus on you. Most people will understand, especially if you tell them why.
During my journey in the mental illness life, I was still trying to make sure I was doing right by everyone but myself. I have always been a crowd pleaser and the goofy guy that makes people laugh. The problem with that was, I wasn’t focusing on myself at a time that I needed to the most. People wanted to go out and party, or go to a sporting event, or concert, and I would partake because I felt like I had to.
That led me down a dangerous path, but once I finally recognized that none of that was helping, I told my friends and family that I had to take a step back from being the people pleaser and focus on myself. Some people didn’t quite understand why, but I was honest with them. I told them I was going through some stuff and I needed to pour all of my energy into getting better. Almost everyone understood and even offered to help.
If you are going through a mental health crisis, stop and tell people you need them to support you. Sometimes they may think you are being selfish, but if you are honest with them, they will understand. If they don’t, then maybe they aren’t worth being in your inner circle. You need to focus on you, your treatment, and making sure you come out of your illness unscathed. Try not to let individuals distract you from the end goal of getting better.