Sometimes You Gotta Do You
Mental illness is trash. It is treated as a second-class citizen in the medical industry, but it can be just as devastating. What is crazy, though, was the hoops I had to jump through to find exactly what I needed to progress in my treatment.
Through this blog, I have said it many times. I was placed into therapy with the polar opposite of what they should have put me in. They pressured me to join a bunch of talk therapy sessions because knowledge about OCD is lacking, even through mental health professionals.
I remember researching my symptoms myself, finding out it was OCD, and being filled with rage at all the expensive therapy sessions I attended. Talk therapy is essentially reassurance, which is poison for getting better.
This is not to mention, I was seeing a psychiatrist during all of this and he just kept prescribing me medication and not really digging into what was wrong with me. My last straw with this doctor was when I told him I had OCD and he said, I thought you did. WHAT?! You didn’t find it necessary to tell me this?
The point of this post is to let you all know that sometimes, you really have to take matters into your own hands. I probably wouldn’t be where I am today if I had not taken it upon myself to figure out what I may have. Embrace your mental illness as something you can fix, and arm yourself with a specialized team who can help you get there.
Being a second-class citizen in the medical world, mental illnesses are often misdiagnosed and forgotten all the time. Don’t let this happen to you and be the change that you need to get better. You can do this and come out on top in the end.